
Riverside Country Club Swimming Programs

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lindon Meet - June 30

Sign-ups for this Saturday's meet at Lindon will be done at Friday's practice.  

Saturday, June 30, we have a meet at the Lindon Aquatics Center (100 N. State Street, Lindon).  Warm-ups begin at 6:30 am and the meet will start at 7am.  I don't expect the meet to be a long one, however, they have some new staffing and may be a little slower than we are.  :)  Their pool opens at 11, and they would like their parking lot clear for their patrons.  Because of this, they have asked us to park in senior center lot across the street and on the street.  Please help accommodate this as much as possible.  The Lindon pool is outdoors, and because this meet is early in the morning, please be sure to pack a few dry towels so that your swimmer can stay warm.  A few blankets might be nice as well.  Be sure to pack a lot of snacks and drinks as well.

When you get to the meet, please check in with me first thing.  If you are interested in doing a relay, please let me know as you are checking in.  I will do my best to get you on one (as long as we have enough kids in the age group).  Please warn your younger swimmers that Lindon does not allow diving from their shallower end, and the starter may ask the children to start from in the water (mainly on the younger kids relays).  In the past, they have moved the timers for the younger kids races so that they can start on the deep end where possible.  Please ask the coaches if you child is at all confused by this, and we will be happy to help them.

All swim suits are now in.  If you special ordered a suit, please pick it up from me at practice tomorrow.  We should also have swim caps by Saturday, so I will be passing those out at the meet.  Each swimmer will receive one as a thank you for your patience in our "rough" start.  If you need any additional caps, they are $4.  The water bottles should also be here soon.  They are at printing right now.  Any special sweatshirt orders should be here by the beginning of next week.  If you still need any suits, sweatshirts, or goggles, we still have some at the pool for you to purchase.  

Thank you for your support,

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