
Riverside Country Club Swimming Programs

Monday, July 21, 2014

County Updates

A few things you should be aware of as we are nearing the end of our swim team season...

1) You should have received and email tonight if your child is eligible for the county championships.  They must have competed in a minimum of 2 swim meets in order to enter.  The email will indicate best times and let you know which meet those times qualify your swimmer for.  I will need to know ASAP if that meet is ok.  Please keep in mind that your swimmer can swim up, but CANNOT swim down.  For example, if your child has gold times they could not swim at the bronze meet, however if they have bronze times, they can swim up to the gold meet.  Times are best 2 out of 3.  There are 4 meets this year, bronze, silver, gold, and elite.  Swimmers plaque 1-8 place and ribbon to 20.

2)  If you have not picked up your shirt, but you ordered one, PLEASE come get it from me ASAP.  I would love for you to have it!  If you still want one, they can be purchased for $10 (short sleeve), just let me know.

3)  We WILL NOT have practice this THURSDAY, July 24 because of Pioneer Day.  We will have an easy practice on Friday, but if your child is swimming in the meet that evening, it would be a good day to take a rest so they are ready for the meet at night.

4)  County meets are long and hot!  Please be prepared with lots of water, towels, snacks, and patience.  They are so much fun, but are a little more chaotic than a dual meet.  Please make sure you talk to the coaches if you have any questions, we are more than happy to help.  We also like the swimmers to check in with us after their races so that we can give them some feedback.

5)  The swim team awards BBQ/Pool Party will be held on Wednesday, August 13th at 6 pm at the pool.  More details to come.

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