
Riverside Country Club Swimming Programs

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

County Meet Information

Emails have been sent to notify you which meet your child qualifies for.  Your child needs to have attended 2 meets in order to qualify for a county championship meet.  Each swimmer will swim ALL of their events (up to 3 individual events) at ONE of the meets.  I have suggested which meet they should go to based on their qualifying times.  Swimmers can always swim UP (meaning they can swim at a higher meet), however, they can't swim DOWN.  Championships are set up so that the bottom 1/3 of the swimmers will swim against like swimmers at the BRONZE championships.  The middle 1/3 of the swimmers will swim at the SILVER championships against like swimmers, and the top 1/3 of the swimmers swim at the GOLD championships.  This allows all swimmers to have a championship that will push them, yet be at an appropriate level.

BRONZE MEET:  Wednesday, August 1.  Warm-ups at 4 pm, Meet at 5 pm.  Check in no later than 4:30 pm.  New Springville Rec Center 717 South 1200 West.

SILVER MEET:  Friday, August 3. Warm-ups at 4 pm, Meet at 5 pm.  Check in no later than 4:30 pm.  New Springville Rec Center 717 South 1200 West.

GOLD MEET:  Saturday, August 4.  Warm-ups at 7 am, Meet at 8 am.  Check in no later than 7:30 pm.  New Springville Rec Center 717 South 1200 West.

Other important dates:
August 2- Last day of practice
August 8- Awards BBQ/ Swim Party

We are excited to celebrate the end of a great season with all of our amazing swimmers and their families.

On Wednesday, August 8 there will be an end of season party at the pool.  All swimmers and their family/friends are invited to attend.  We will open the gates for the party around 6 pm, and start serving dinner around 6:15-6:30.  Around 7:15-7:30 we will start doing the awards.  The pool will stay open until around 9.  All swimmers will be recognized and receive a personal award from their coaches.  In addition, all swimmers who swam at the county meets will get the awards they won from those meets.  We had so many swimmers do a great job at those meets and can't wait to recognize them.

The following in the price list for the BBQ. 
Adults               $10
Children 8-12   $7
Children 3-7     $5

In order to make sure we have the right amount of food, please RSVP on this link.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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