
Riverside Country Club Swimming Programs

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Awards BBQ

We are so excited to see you at the swim team awards BBQ on August 13 at Riverside.  ALL swimmers will be receiving awards at this party, regardless of whether or not they swam at any meets.  County championship awards will also be passed out at this time (except some of the gold meet awards-which I heard they needed to order more plaques cause they ran out and will get them to me ASAP).  Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm.  Prices for the BBQ are as follows:

Adults: $10
Kids 8-12: $7
Kids 3-7: $5

The awards portion of the party will start when eating winds down, probably around 7pm.  The pool will stay open for swimming until 8:30-9pm.  Friends, family, grandparents, etc. are invited to attend.  If you are not planning on coming for the BBQ portion, please plan on coming after food is served and remember that the food (including desserts and drinks) are for those who are there for the dinner.  NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK is allowed.

Coaches are excited to give awards to the kids!  Hope to see you there.  Please RSVP to christinewhatcott@gmail.com and please give me the number of people in your party so we can make arrangements with the restaurant. 

Thank you.

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